

Learn about our monthly contest designed to celebrate America’s youth champions!

We see you!

You’re helping co-create the future with your dedication to education and youth development.

Some days it can feel like the most difficult job in America.

And everyday it feels like the most important job in America.

Change Champion Contest

Change Up Learning is designed to help you build skills that address the complex challenges of supporting today’s young people. We also strive to cultivate a community of experts, innovators, and agents of change. So we created a contest to spark motivation, encourage action, and reward hard-working change champions.

It’s easy:

the more you interact with the Change Up Learning platform, 
the more points you earn


Starting in October, each month Change Up Learning will award three prizes to the most active Change Champions on our platform.  

Grand Prizes

  • First Prize

    $50 Gift Card
    1 Learning Bundle
    (of your choice; option below!)

  • Second Prize

    $50 Gift Card
    1 Learning Bundle
    (of your choice; option below!)

  • Third Prize

    $50 Gift Card
    1 Learning Bundle
    (of your choice; option below!)

Change Up Learning Bundles

You get to choose what learning bundle best suites your interest. Each bundle includes a book, a deck of cards and a mystery surprise!

  • Motivation Bundle
  • Creating Positive Habits Bundle
  • Antiracism Bundle
  • Creating Change Bundle